
GRM is still in very early development. I started GRM mainly to scratch my own itches (and am heavily dogfooding it). If you have a new use case for GRM, go for it!


To contribute, just fork the repo and create a pull request against develop. If you plan bigger changes, please consider opening an issue first, so we can discuss it.

If you want, add yourself to the CONTRIBUTORS file in your pull request.

Branching strategy

The branching strategy is a simplified git-flow.

  • master is the "production" branch. Each commit is a new release.
  • develop is the branch where new stuff is coming in.
  • feature branches branch off of develop and merge back into it.

Feature branches are not required, there are also changes happening directly on develop.

Required tooling

You will need the following tools:

  • Rust (obviously) (easiest via rustup)
  • Python3
  • just, a command runner like make. See here for installation instructions (it's most likely just a simple cargo install just).
  • Docker & docker-compose for the e2e tests
  • isort, black and shfmt for formatting.
  • ruff and shellcheck for linting.
  • python-tomlkit for the dependency update script.
  • mdbook for the documentation

Here are the tools:

Arch Linuxpacman -S --needed python3 rustup just docker docker-compose python-black shfmt shellcheck mdbook python-tomlkit
Ubuntu/Debianapt-get install --no-install-recommends python3 docker.io docker-compose black shellcheck python3-tomlkit

Note that you will have to install just and mdbook manually on Ubuntu (e.g. via cargo install just mdbook if your rust build environment is set up correctly). Same for shfmt, which may just be a go install mvdan.cc/sh/v3/cmd/shfmt@latest, depending on your go build environment.

For details about rustup and the toolchains, see the installation section.

Development Environment with Nix

Enter a development shell with all tools and dependencies:

$ nix develop

From within the nix shell:

$ just [TARGET]


$ cargo build

Update toolchain and dependencies:

$ nix flake update


$ nix build


$ nix run . -- [ARGUMENTS]

Find more documentation about Nix Flakes here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes


The current Nix environment does not source:

  • aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
  • x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  • docker and related tools

If interest develops this can be added.

Developing Nix

The crate is built using Crane.

Format code with alejandra.