Formatting & Style

Code formatting

I'm allergic to discussions about formatting. I'd rather make the computer do it for me.

For Rust, just use cargo fmt. For Python, use black. I'd rather not spend any effort in configuring the formatters (not possible for black anyway). For shell scripts, use shfmt.

To autoformat all code, use just fmt


Honestly, no idea about style. I'm still learning Rust, so I'm trying to find a good style. Just try to keep it consistent when you add code.


You can use just lint to run all lints.


Clippy is the guard that prevents shitty code from getting into the code base. When running just check, any clippy suggestions will make the command fail. So make clippy happy! The easiest way:

  • Commit your changes (so clippy can change safely).
  • Run cargo clippy --fix to do the easy changes automatically.
  • Run cargo clippy and take a look at the messages.

Until now, I had no need to override or silence any clippy suggestions.


shellcheck lints all shell scripts. As they change very rarely, this is not too important.

Unsafe code

Any unsafe code is forbidden for now globally via #![forbid(unsafe_code)]. I cannot think of any reason GRM may need unsafe. If it comes up, it needs to be discussed.