
Welcome! This is the documentation for Git Repo Manager (GRM for short), a tool that helps you manage git repositories in a declarative way.

GRM helps you manage git repositories in a declarative way. Configure your repositories in a TOML or YAML file, GRM does the rest. Take a look at the example configuration to get a feel for the way you configure your repositories. See the repository tree chapter for details.

GRM also provides some tooling to work with single git repositories using git-worktree. See the worktree chapter for more details.

Why use GRM?

If you're working with a lot of git repositories, GRM can help you to manage them in an easy way:

  • You want to easily clone many repositories to a new machine.
  • You want to change remotes for multiple repositories (e.g. because your GitLab domain changed).
  • You want to get an overview over all repositories you have, and check whether you forgot to commit or push something.

If you want to work with git worktrees in a streamlined, easy way, GRM provides you with an opinionated workflow. It's especially helpful when the following describes you:

  • You're juggling a lot of git branches, switching between them a lot.
  • When switching branches, you'd like to just leave your work as-is, without using the stash or temporary commits.